About Us

Dewdrop Botanicals was born from love and a quiet awakening of two souls who saw the beauty and innate balance that is so wild and yet so gracefully present in nature.
Like the fresh and most potent drops of medicine are collected in the dew from flowers and plants under the influence of planetary presences – when the moon is high, or right when darkness turns to light – so too are our tinctures and essences refined and collected into concentrated elixirs, at the key positioning of planets and transitions between day and night – dusk and dawn.
We do our best to source the purest and most potent plants for our elixirs, either collecting them in the wild ourselves or obtaining them from trusted sources. They steep and share their gifts in locally made alcohol while we steep them in our prayers and blessings of love.
We commune with the plants we work with, we pray, sing, dance and cry with them, to align to, support and facilitate the condensing of each individual plant’s service into an energetically available structure.
The medicine of light, planets and elements are condensed into plant elixirs made to serve the expansion of love. The purpose of our products is to activate the potential inside each person.
In awe of the cycles within and without we see our reflections in the smallest particles and the greatest forces. In our alchemical understanding, one cannot transform any external matter, without transforming correlating internal energy. We are dedicated to showing up for our personal paths reflected in the beautiful dance of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth that nature expresses itself through again and again.
Sometimes the plants let us know that they have certain gifts for us humans. And when we listen we can receive.
This is how Dewdrop Botanicals came to be. And this is how we grow.
We want to acknowledge and honor the teachers and traditions that inform our work. Both of us have learned from many teachers along the way. Some in a formal setting, and others just by sharing perspectives or practices, in present moments.
First and foremost we want to acknowledge and honor our main teacher Noyarao. As we apprentice directly with this enlightened energy manifest in the form of a tree, we deepen our ability to commune directly with the plants, trees and natural environments we work with, the people we wish to serve and our own beings.
We want to acknowledge our other dietas, plant, fungi and treebeings, landspirits, ancestors, family, friends, colleagues, wisdomkeepers, and all other guides and teachers from all realms animate or inanimate that support us in our work.
Both of us have studied with the Mahua-Lopez lineage of Shipibo curanderos and curanderas. Our primary teacher in this lineage has been Enrique Lopez. The Shipibo people are an indigenous people to the land around the Ucayali river, which runs through the north-eastern Peruvian Amazon. They are among some of the oldest tribes to work with Ayahuasca and are widely known for their expertise and knowledge of plant medicine.
Kaya has studied with Brooke Sullivan of the Wild Temple School and has her formal training as a flower essence practitioner through the school. Brooke is a herbalist, midwife, yoga therapist, student and teacher of Sri Vidya Tantra.
Kaya has also studied with The School of Evolutionary Herbalism, run by Whitney and Sajah Popam. They offer programs on the synergy of clinical herbalism, traditional alchemy, medical astrology and Ayurveda.
Follow Kaya’s work on here:
Kaya’s Website: BeingInCommunion.com
Kaya Instagram: BeingInCommunion