Essences and Properties
Dewdrop Botanicals Essences
Blue sage (Salvia patens)
Conception. The light of the soul descending into the body, all the way through it to the core of the earth. Physical manifestation. Aligning to the soul’s purpose. Activating gifts. Healing the conception journey. Creativity. Manifestation power. Fertility.
Calla Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
Healing with love. Revealing the teachings of every moment. Safe to be seen. Safe to heal. Safe to be loved. Strength in vulnerability. Gratitude. Clarity. Protection.
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
Balancing unhealthy emotional expression. Grounding the sensitive being. Aiding in focus and concentration. Wholeness. Grounding. Trust.
Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Awakening the sensuality of the sexual being. Connecting to the joy and lifeforce energy in sexuality. Reconnecting to sexual expression after trauma. Balancing impact from cultural conditioning or unhealthy expectations. Warmth. Softness. Openness.
Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum)
Connection to higher realms and beings. Opening visions and dreamworld. Bringing qualities of grace and softness to liberate stuck emotions and energy. Releasing the past. Activates circulation physically and energetically. Embodiment. Presence. Peace. Purpose.
Papaya (Carica papaya)
Opening the crown chakra. Connecting to higher realms. Supporting collaboration instead of competitiveness.Working from your higher self and bringing joy and gentleness into the human experience. Receptivity. Effortlessness. Crown chakra. Higher self.
Personal essence blend
We are all unique beings, unique combinations of energy and matter. Those combinations give rise to unique constellations and unique frequencies of resonance. Your personal essence is made in attunement with you, to support you in aligning with your path and highest potential.
After filling out a thorough questionnaire, and optionally an online consultation, Kaya commune with the plants of the essences that I work with to create a unique formulated essence crafted just for you.
Kaya will use her intuitive connection to the essences she has, and her abilities to receive information from herguides to mix a blend that resonates with what your constitution needs and your specific wishes and intentions.
For this Kaya use a mix of the essences mentioned above, which we’ve produced ourselves, and around 50 other essences from sources that align. She uses a maximum of 7 different essences per blend, in alignment with heralchemical understanding. You can have several different personal essences for different purposes. You can also havethem in pairs like one for daytime use and one for nighttime use or one for waxing moon and another for waning moon and so on
You receive a longer more detailed document with suggestions on how to use the personal essences.
Dieta essences
Kaya was asked by her dietas to hold space for them to manifest as essences. With the purpose of helping people on the path of dieting, to connect with their dietas in different ways, and provide a physical medium for that connecting which can also be used without being in dieta. Since then we have made dieta essences usingdifferent parts of the 5 sacred dieta plants offered at Inkankena. Using the essences of dieta plants really is pioneering work. This means you are to create your own way and relationship, through listening to and communing with your dietas and essences.
In our experience, you can use the essences while you diet, both externally and internally. Because there is no physical component in the essence – as there would be in an extract – the same requirements for fasting aren’tthere as a set rule. Most importantly you check in with your dieta, to find out what is appropriate for you. When you are not dieting, you can, in our experience, use the essences to connect with or recharge your dietas.
The essences can also be used prior to doing a dieta with a plant to prepare the system and start the connection and relationship, so you are more open and ready for the dieta to root deeply in you when you do open a dieta.
The essences can also be used, as other essences, for people who do not diet or intend to. To connect and establish a relationship with the plant spirit as an ally or just to work with the signature of the essence.
We recommend taking the slow path, meaning to begin experimenting from a soft, gentle and curious heart.Much like how we see the process of dieting, it is about love, devotion, presence and dedication (and so so much more…)
If you are interested in essences of dieta trees/plants that you cannot find in the catalog then write to us. Someof the essences we have we don’t offer publicly, but only to folks that already have dietas. This is to honour their rarity.
Marosa (Inkankena/Inkaiko)
Healing in all aspects, being a healer, and being healed. Heightened abilities and senses. Strong protection andboundaries. Balance of body and soul and masculine and feminine.
Realignment. Bodywork. Hands. Light. Clearing.
Bobinsana (Semein)
Unconditional love. Playfulness. Creativity. Beauty. Connecting to the mother archetype and healing the maternal relationship. Healing of the heart. Integrating inner child aspects.
Boundaries. Protection. Grace. Fierceness. Fun.
Chiric Sanango (Mokapari)
Opening and unblocking pathways of the physical- and energetic body. Liberating pain and stuck energy andemotion. Regeneration of the nervous system. Ability to respond and feel.
Protection. Safety. Resilience. Recalibration.
Divine masculine. Strong protection. Connection to nature and its beings. Opening to the wisdom of nature andplants as medicine. Strong boundaries. Liberating anger. Strength.
Protector. Humor.